Corporate Social Responsibility

Solarkaz believes in using our energy to help humans and improving environment under its Corporate Social Responsibility. Our commitment is to change – to build sustainable communities, create more jobs, improve economic opportunities and protect our natural environment. All the above mentioned tasks demonstrate our commitment towards society.

LAL Bagh Flood Relief Campaign

A subsidiary of Solarkaz International

The most devastating flooding in the 73-year history of Pakistan has left one-third of the country underwater and parts resembling “a small ocean”. Lalbagh flood relief is a subsidiary of Solarkaz International CSR. Currently working in district Khairpur Sindh, Pakistan. The campaign is headed by Mr Hussain zaidi and Mr. Luqman zaidi.

LAL Bagh Flood Relief Campaign is doing mega distribution Of Rashan bags, Tent’s, Mosquito Nets, Tarpals and Clothes for Flood Effective People’s in Khairpur Mir’s Sindh.
